Prepare Test Session

1) sign in on NWEA, Click on Map Growth tab from the top bar and then select Manage Test Sessions

2) From Manage Test Sessions page you will have two options 

     a. To test specific students.

    b. To test your class student.

3) After you click on Find Student To Test, fill the below data to select students.

   a. school (AIS Egypt).

  b. Students' grade.

  C. Teacher's name.

  d. Class.

  e. click on search button.

If you want to search for specific student with student name or student ID, you need to select school then select the rest as (All) then insert student's name or ID and click search.

4) Select students you want to test either one by one or select all by one click and click on (Add Students) button. 

5) Select students to assign them a test , either one by one or Select  all then click "Assign Test" to select the test you want

6) Select the test from the dropdown on the pop up.

7) After assigning the test to the selected students, it will be shown beside each student. You will have 2 option

a. Test them at the moment by clicking "Test Now"

b. Test them later by clicking "Save Session" 

8) If you clicked on save session a pop up window will appear to ask you to insert session name you want to save with (Make the name short because this name will be used by student to enter the test).  

9) You can find the saved session to start testing as follows: