How to access PowerSchool Subs Portal

Kindly find below the instructions for how to use PowerSchool substitute portal for taking attendance on behalf of another classroom teacher if needed..

Please follow the steps below:-

  1. Open your Web browser to PowerTeacher Substitute URL or simply Open School PowerSchool URL and change URL from /Teachers to /Subs

  2. Select the desire school from the schools drop-down-menu.

  3. Choose the teacher for which you are substituting from the Teacher popup menu.

  4. Enter the substitute login password which is dynamically consists of the following Day Number of Today + Sub SchoolCode

      • High School "hssub#"

      • Middle School "mssub#"

      • Primary School "essub#"

For example: if today date is 10 in the month and the teacher located section is allocated under HighSchool --> 10hssub#

More examples for password:- if a substitute accessed the PowerTeacher Portal on the 16th day of the month, and the current school code is mssub#, the substitute would enter a password of 16mssub#. When the day is single digit - For example the 1st of the month - the password is 1mssub# as opposed to 01mssub#.

(Please keep the substitute password safe and don't share it with anyone else except HS teachers and please let us know directly if you noticed that it has been exposed).