Export GUID list

There are 2 ways to export GUID Lists

  1. Login to your Powerschool and choose the students you want to Export, for all students click All

  2. From the left corner choose List Students function

For Students Data, Choose from fields the data you need either by typing or click on field and search for what you need (the next column is the column Header in your Excel Sheet)

  1. Student_Number = Student ID#

  2. LastFirst = Student’s LastFirst name

  3. Grade_Level = Year level

  4. StudentPers_guid = Student GUID

5. Then submit

6. You can

a. Copy Data then you can paste on excel

b. Export CSV

c. Export PDF


  1. Login to your admin PS

  2. choose the students

  3. from the bottom right arrow choose Quick Export

4. Type the following then Submit





Save in the designated folder then use to rename reports whenever you need to republish

You can open by: right click--> open with--> Excel