Requisition Form

Username is AIS school email, If you can't remember your password, Kindly reset password

2. From the left Nav. Menu click on Operations → Requisition, Or click on more info 

This form will be used for orders from our Store OR purchasing from outside the school.

3. Click on New Requisition

4. Fill in

a) Room Number (Be sure to add your room no# so it can be delivered to you)

b) Reason for Requisition

c) A picture of the item if you want a specific thing if available

d) The name of the item

e) Quantity

f) Unit Cost (Be sure to enter a unit cost (0 If you don't know the cost) to avoid any errors)

g) Add a line to be able to order another item

h) Submit

Your request could take up to one week to process based  on the  availability at the local vendors.

5. Go Back to the requisition page

a) If you need to update, click on Edit then update and resave

b) If you are done, Click on Confirm

c) If you want to delete, click on Delete

6. Once you click Submit, it will show as waiting for Department approval and will go to your principal/ direct manager to approve.

7. Once you receive your order, please click Received from the PR dashboard

8. If you have any comments or haven't received all your items, open your request and type your comment: