Maintenance Request Form

Username is your AIS school email, If you can't remember your password, Kindly reset password

2. From the left Nav. Menu click on Operations → Maintenance Request, Or click on more info 

3. Click on New Maintenance Request

4. Fill in

a) Maintenance type 

b) order type (Once you choose maintenance type, order type field will show up)

c) Description

d) Priority

e) Scheduled period (When you want this request to be done)

f) Location (Your room no#)

g) Attachment (If you have any picture, it accepts multiple files)

h) Submit

5. Go Back to the Maintenance request page

a) If you are done, Click on Confirm

b) If you need to update, click on Edit then update and resave

c) If you want to delete, click on Delete

You must confirm your request since your order won't be processed unless it is in "Operation manager" Stage.