Class Rosters

  1. Login to your admin PS account

  2. Go to System Reports from Left nav. menu then class roster (PDF)

3. Print rosters for --> Teachers

Choose the teachers (Windows press CTR , Mac Press CMD and choose multiple teachers) or (Windows press CTR+A, Mac Press CMD+A) for All teachers. You can not leave it blank.

Meeting(s) (leave unchecked for all) --> Period blocks

4. Heading text (Fields) --> Paste the following, If you need to add more fields, click on fields and choose the field. Be sure to have it the same format

~(RosterModSer)<tabc 6>~([Schools]Name) - Class List Report

Teacher:<tabl 2>~(teachername)

Course:<tabl 2>~([COURSES]course_name) - (~(Course_Number) - ~(Section_Number) )

Meeting:<tabl 2> ~([SECTIONS]external_expression)

Term:<tabl 2> ~([TERMS]abbreviation)

Room:<tabl 2>~(room)

Roster columns (Fields)

Paste the following, If you need to add more fields, click on fields and choose the field. Be sure to have it the same format. Roster columns must have the same fields as Heading text (no# 4)

Student_Number\Stu ID\1.5\L







StudentCoreFields.fatherdayphone\Father Mobile\.7\L

StudentCoreFields.motherdayphone\Mother Mobile\.7\L

Page size should be A4 --> Submit

The status of the report will be running, click on Refresh till will show completed then click on view